I'm quite new to 3D modelling so I decided to start off with a few simple projects. These are turrets from an old flash game (free internet points to those who recognise it!) and here's the first one: the dual machine gun

(the original image)

(My attempt at recreating it)
It's a very simple model but you gotta start somewhere. As you can see I took some artistic liberties in the conversion from 2D to 3D so the dual machine gun has become the quad(?) machine gun. Since I am new to this business I obviously kindly request any critique/suggestions/pointing out mistakes (I'm sure there are many) etc. Anyway, I hope you like it, I will post more in this thread once I have time.
P.S. Be sure to notify me if this is posted in the wrong place or if it breaks rules of any kind as I'm still figuring out the intricacies of this forum. If that is the case, I'll remove it promptly.
Do notify me if I misunderstood the question.