Hello everybody, I would like any talented Concept or UI (User Interface) Artists to join my team in creating the asymmetrical multiplayer horror game called Class D. Class D is about 4 students attempting to escape from an evil, mutated teacher who's under the influence of evil powers and has a passion for killing. The game is played in a school and in the yard, first, students have to search keys in boxes to unlock closed rooms and turn on switches, 5 switches are needed to open the first gate that lets the players go to the yard and in the yard, they're supposed to find and repair a generator to power and open the final gate. The teacher's task is to stop the students and sacrifice them. This project is done in our free time, so no one gets money for helping us, but what you can get is nice experiences, fun times and an awesome game as a result that you helped to make! If you would like to join our journey and help us, please send me a message on Discord, my name is GreenMage#8709. Thanks, have a good day!
I would like to know more information about your project.
This is my artstation:
Thank you