Getting really close to finishing this, if you have any critiques please let me know!! This is the first large environment I have ever done and it's been a very long journey. I have learned so much but I know I have such a long way to go. All of this was built in Maya, textured in Substance painter, and rendered with Arnold.
Good effort for your first go, lots of imaginative pieces and details. You might want to play with UE4 its a lot of fun to use and has so many environment tool and lighting tools that you could use. What is the school project about? do you have a brief?
Yes a couple of my classmates used UE4, I didn't consider it until it was too late 😣. The project was my teacher gave us a concept he made up with a few reference images so we had to model his concept and then build on it with any new assets we want. Mine were the building and the mossy planters. We also had the freedom to texture it however we wanted.
Thats cool, it reminds me of a friends piece he made when he was starting out. Its good you have everything textured and done. No harm in using arnold, UE4 is fun for the real time.
The images are extremely busy, I think you need to work on focal points, areas of rest, that sort of thing. I also see a lot of areas in your textures which are low res, and I feel like you need to bake down some beveled edges, because I see a lot of unnatural looking hard edges. I like the structure of the building! Keep it up