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I'm building a website that centralizes stylized artwork and tutorials. I'd love everyones input.

polycounter lvl 3
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Thomas_Smith polycounter lvl 3
So I've gotten pretty fed up with trying to track down stylized artwork from every corner of the internet, so I said %^&* it and just decided to build a website to help everyone else out as well. Its still really new so I'd love to hear what you guys want to see. After all, this site is going to be for the community. 


Right now, I'm in the process of tracking down all the stylized tutorials I can find and putting them all in one place, sortable by software. I'm also building a gallery of some of the best stylized art, and pointing the readers to the artist's artstation and their other work so the artist gets more exposure and fans. 

Any critiques or input would be really appreciated. What do you like? What don't you like? Anything you want to see?

Thanks guys :)


  • Ashervisalis
    Online / Send Message
    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Looks cool man! Some things I'd like to see;

    - The ability to rate tutorials, maybe sort tutorials by 'how many users found this useful.' Also if you included a skill level marker, that'd be cool.

    - A more rigorous search function. Examples: search by program, specialty (enviro, character, vfx, etc). I think allowing realistic tutorials along with stylized tutorials would help your site a lot, but I understand you created this site specifically for stylized.

    - I'd work on screen real estate a bit. When you click into a tutorial, a large black banner containing navigation takes up the top, then a giant "Learn | Stylized | Art" banner takes up another chunk, then another giant tutorial title banner takes up the rest of the screen. You have to scroll down just to get to the tutorial or the description. I see 4 buttons to share to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, and they could really be sized down. I then see an additional 2 'Share this' buttons for Facebook and Twitter, yet again, right below the other share buttons.

    It's a really cool idea for a centralized tutorial list, I'll for sure bookmark it for when I'm looking for some tutorials. Thanks!
  • Thomas_Smith
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    Thomas_Smith polycounter lvl 3
    Wow thank you so much for the feedback!

    -Great Idea being able to rate tutorials and add their difficulty. I'll add this to the roadmap.

    -All the tutorials are tagged by speciality right now (Character, Hard Surface, Env etc etc...) I just need to implement the search functionality to filter them. Eventually, after the site gets some traction I'd love to break into realism as well.  

    -The posts and tutorials pages need a ton of work and I'm not really happy with them, so its nice to get some feedback with what specifically what could be changed, so thank you!

    Thank you so much for the feedback. 
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