Hi all,
Right... i've never been one to put myself out there but i've decided to take the plunge......what have i got to lose....
My background.
I studied 3d animation back in 2010 but never finished the course due to unforeseen circumstances. This didn't stop me though, i carried on working on my portfolio (without direction or a focus on a specific industry) i just made random models, renders etc.. until i got my first industry job in archviz.
From there i started working really hard in my 9-5 and expanding my skillset. I started dabbling in unity and making interactive apps for archviz, learning basic coding. This made me a good asset for the company i worked in. After a year or so i decided to leave and try a new studio working in VR and AR. After that job i went back into archviz (mainly because it was easy to get the job due to my experience my portfolio). I've been doing this ever since and have gained enough experience to be called a "senior artist" and i believe my work reflects this.
At the moment in my life, im married, have a child, all the good stuff and responsibilities. Which really means i can't start from zero again.
I'm at a point where im so done with archviz and want to move on. I dont have any passion for archviz nor have i ever had the passion for it but i just got good at it.......but i have no idea to what. I do enjoy doing story telling, which i try to do in my archviz work.
Here's my current portfolio www.iamfawaz.com (uff that was hard to write that, fear kicks in again....but im determined to make the change and force myself to make a change.
At this point i have no real question, just if anyone has had any similar-ish experience and could share any advice from my ramblings.

Try refocusing with a project! be it animation, concept art, environment piece, all disciplines that are heavily biased towards story telling...or indeed some soul searching as to what drove you in the first place making such a leap of faith artistically.
Personally I knew my particular calling was mechanical hard surface modelling from the get go, perhaps partially due to a fascination with pulling things apart as a kid to see what really made them 'tick' which in turn carried over into adulthood.
So in a sense; Just my 2 cents here but I think utilising those skills already honed over years with an enjoyment of telling a good story and sort of crafting them together might lead too a solution for your conundrum, hence my initial suggestion.
I think delving into a side project for myself would be a good way to go. I do agree about trying different things to see what I find more interesting.
I feel what's hard for people like myself with industry experience is that it can be easy to overthink EVERYTHING and get impatient. Not like it was when we first started getting in the industry and just going for it.
@zi0 thanks for the video, I'll be sure to give it a watch