I need to fudge something like this together on an opaque material. I'm layering materials so I'm forced to use the opaque shading model
I've tried dicking around with fresnel, light direction and normals etc. and had some success but I can't help wondering if somebody else has already solved this. It doesn't have to be accurate, it just has to be plausible.
The initial use case is a big slab of floating ice - the internal structure is easy, it's the transmission of light through the thin bits / edges etc. that I'm interested in.
So.... has anyone done something like this or read a paper about it they can point me at?
I don't really want to turn sss on for everything (the places I need it are pretty incidental ) and I don't really want to start creating special case materials if I can avoid it.
Because I'm a masochist I'm deliberately not using mesh UVs so cannot use baked masks for thickness etc.
That just made me wonder if I could use distance fields to give me thickness information...
Thanks very much