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How should I retopo clothes for games?

polycounter lvl 4
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ned_poreyra polycounter lvl 4
Should I retopo clothes like these after being folded or before? In other words, should I treat them like a solid mesh that will never be unfolded, or the folding will be done in-game to ensure proper behavior during animation?

I don't know game engines and I can't imagine how this will be tackled in game. I can ensure much better topology if I simulate the cloth myself, but then it can't be unfolded in game (and I don't know how will it be animated then). 


  • Yerus
    Offline / Send Message
    Yerus polycounter lvl 4
    'should I treat them like a solid mesh that will never be unfolded, or the folding will be done in-game to ensure proper behavior during animation? '
    Depends on what result you are trying to achieve.  You want more realistic, less? Does your game have emphasis in dressmaking or something? Simulation is a hell of a heavy memory drinker. I personally, would retopo them as they are, and then just tweak'em with proper rigging.
  • ned_poreyra
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    ned_poreyra polycounter lvl 4
    Yerus said:

    Depends on what result you are trying to achieve.  You want more realistic, less? Does your game have emphasis in dressmaking or something?
    I'm just asking about general practice. I've never worked in games.

  • Alex_J
    Online / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    general practice is to be very specific about your goals and use your tools accordingly. Got to know where you are trying to go.

    If you are just making this for practice, try both ways. This way you know pros and cons and then in future when you have a specific goal, you can apply good judgement. There is no one workflow to rule them all. Very bad mental practice to strive for some single way of working -- that's how you get into a rut and stop evolving.

    If I was making this for portfolio or as a flexible place to begin from, I'd use this workflow that I like here: https://lesterbanks.com/2016/11/marvelous-designer-uvs-maya/

    In the case of a scarf or shawl like your reference, that is just a rectangle of fabric, so this workflow makes it a super simple process. If it's for a game, specific requirements will dictate if I leave it as a subdivided rectangle or if I reduce it and maybe even just bake it down to somethihng very simple. If you don't know where you are going, just choose the workflow that will allow the easiest changes down the road, and save your project files at all pipeline milestones.
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