Hello everyone! My name is Pavel Rous I'm an environment concept artist currently living in Moscow, Russia. I publish my works under the name William Rous. Here I will publish some sketches, studies and ideas. I hope you like it. I will be glad to hear some critique and advices. Welcome and enjoy.
So, my latest sketch based on the nearest movie from Netflix about Bonnie and Clyde with the greatest Woody Harrelson and Kevin Costner.
High res
One technical comment about tentacle donkey - his back legs look pretty flat or crossed, as if they were on the same plane. If you pushed one leg back, matching the perspective of the front legs, it'll make him seem a lot more stable.
Also - don't be afraid to push shadows. Here's a quick block in of shadows with my mouse -
You want your light to fall on the bright parts first - right now, your reflected light is almost as bright as your key light. I normally use levels, a gradient map, or threshold (in PS) to check how my light is falling and how it effects my piece. Strong shadow shapes really help push realism.