Good morning everyone. After some initial research post-Activision Blizzard layoffs, I did not find any database that tracks mass layoffs in the video games industry. Instead, I found a plethora of articles dating back to 2012 describing each layoff event locally, but with little context except when events were near each other. In order to provide a better method of tracking these events, I have created This is not a happy topic (obviously), but I regard it as a necessary body of knowledge that must be maintained for the industry as a whole. Please feel free to take a look and provide any feedback you have. The website is limited in scope to tracking only mass layoff events (which I have defined based on US Bureau of Labor Statistics definition) greater than a calculated baseline. Additionally, I also provide some resources for any persons who may have been impacted by these (or other) layoff events at the bottom. If you have any suggestions for improvements and/or research that I should consider in order to draw conclusions from, that would be fantastic. I think it is fair to say that the few impacts I have drawn are tenuous at best. Thank you.
ex: if the timer reset today then the output would be 6 days unless there was a previous period with a greater value
If you take a look at the Economic Impacts page, I have broken out the data some into visual graphs with labels so that it is more easily dissected.
Must be an automated system that keeps refreshing ads or something.
I'm thinking a shift to remote based workforce would be a great way to solve this.
I mean we're a digital industry, is it really necessary to have people on site in expensive cities simply for securing IP related to undisclosed projects?
One other reason is the way grants are set up requiring a studio space, still doesn't justify being within an expensive area.
And also that people need to work together on site on projects, though game companies outsource a mad lot of work to companies in China so there is remote based work where its cheaper.
Making remote operations more universal would definitely reduce overheads.
I'd read this article where a bunch of companies were agreeing on the employee overhead being in the range of 10,000$ per employee and a big chunk of that factors into studio operating costs and rents being in expensive locations.
Not all of them, some were smarter and moved out, though causing layoffs in the process.
Like in Toronto, which has the highest cost of living in Canada and is severely lacking in infrastructure the wages paid are just not enough to be sustainable, and yet theres a massive pool of developers desperate to get into any studios hiring, with over 10 schools pumping graduates out like mad and even seniors attempting to retrain them through private bootcamps (its not like they have it any easier)
The overhead for a AAA studio is in the range of a million dollars/month, the government taking up a huge chunk of the cost to keep the studio running through grant money.
The thing is that grant system is still valid if the whole company moved to say Mississauga which is significantly cheaper, or set up a satellite location to offset some of the cost.
The current location keeps things going I suppose, but does little to improve the lives of the employees working there unless they're all living with parents or rooming together.