Hello everyone,
I am very proud to announce that I started a podcast! It will is called GAME. ART. TALK and is a podcast for and by Game Artists. I will be talking with people from the games industry about how it is to work in this industry, their personal experiences, tips for beginners and lots of other exciting things. So feel free to check it out here:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyXqt5YUgBTA6SYJeWwZC2g/featured?view_as=subscriber If you like the content, feel free to support me with buying me a coffee here:
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/yKXqZM5re I know that the sound quality, expecially for Skype calls, is not the best, but I will put all the effort to improve in the next episodes. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next episodes.
- Christoph