Hey guys,
I've been working on this environment in UE4. It's based on a concept by Ilya Dykov.
The mood I'm going for is morning/mid afternoon, as if you just stumbled upon this dystopian thing in the middle
of the woods.
Here's where it currently is:
There's still much I need to do but I'd appreciate any and all pointers and comments! Thanks!
I like that you went in a more stylized direction rather than photo realistic.
Overall I think you need to work on your lighting more. The concept indicates that something is going on inside right now, it's connected to the clones, and the person is taking or dropping something off (indicated by the lights on the van and the door). You might not be going for the same story, but the lighting feels too flat without a focus point to me. I would use the light and fog to push the ring more into the distance. Right now it almost looks like part of the house.
Another thing that I see as a problem is the boarded window. Why and how would someone board it from the outside. It's not even broken. Looks like one of those things added into the design without really thinking it through (like belts and one shoulder armorplates).
Great work on this. I only gave crits since you asked for some. It's nearly there.
One minor thing bugging me is the texture on the teddy bear, it's very speckly/noisy, looks a bit weird.
Keep the updates coming
Here you can see how the values in option B are all over the place. You could maybe increase the contrast in the FG with the pods a tiny bit to separate it more from the background with the house.
But overall I think it's really good and I can't wait to see the finished results!
I would go with A! It's a bit easier on the eyes.
Also is it just me or is the car on the right (and left) extremely small