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Demoreel / Portfolio advice or critique needed!

polycounter lvl 5
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panicpancho polycounter lvl 5
Hey guys! I have just finished my first version of my environment artist demo reel. And I need your advice!

I'm going to apply to some companies soon an I want to create the best demo reel/portfolio possible. This community had helped me a lot in the past and I feel that asking for help here is a great way to push my portfolio even further!

Thank you so much for your help!

Portfolio page: panicpancho.artstation.com
Demoreel link: https://youtu.be/0enY8Yd6yeM


  • Thomas Doig
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    Thomas Doig polycounter lvl 5
    How have you not got a job already!?
    I'm not an environment artist but have done one or two, but I think your environments are fantastic. Still if you want constructive feedback you'll have to wait for someone else :) I was a little memorised watching the reel to be honest.
  • panicpancho
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    panicpancho polycounter lvl 5
    How have you not got a job already!?
    I'm not an environment artist but have done one or two, but I think your environments are fantastic. Still if you want constructive feedback you'll have to wait for someone else :) I was a little memorised watching the reel to be honest.
    Hahahaha thank you so much for your kind words!! I really appreciate it man
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