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Anyone here use Clouds 2 Max plugin for 3DS Max? License server down? Product no longer supported?

Mr Whippy
polycounter lvl 7
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Mr Whippy polycounter lvl 7

I've been using this plugin since it came out in 2013, and run it in Max 2010.

It's unrivaled for creating race tracks in 3DS Max from laser scan data, which turns out to be what I spend a lot of time doing these days.

But suddenly, yesterday, it stopped working. I have it on two machines, one is used actively, the other a backup machine where the config is unchanged, and both suddenly can't activate via the server.
I've checked everything at my end, it seems a server in Germany, probably owned by codeblend, isn't responding, or online.

I've tried contacting all the email addresses for support, but it's like the creators have just fallen off the face of the planet wrt supporting their product.

Does anyone know what is going on? Is anyone else in the same boat?

It goes for almost £1000, so it's not like it's a cheap throw away plugin. Plus it leaves a huge gap in my toolbox now.

Even so, I'd pay £1000 to get going again if that is what it took, but it seems there is nothing else around that can do a similar job.

I'm now tempted to just pay an experienced programmer £1,000 to do some work so I can get on with mine!


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