I've started a scene a week ago. I met a random guy in World of Warcraft Arena. We spoke on the team's vocal system and he made me discover the city he lives in. Plovdiv is a lovely town in Bulgaria and I felt in love with the mood so I decided to make a scene out of it 
I'm working in my spare time on it so it takes some time to get things done but i'm having a lot of fun doing it.
I'm gonna show the devlopment of the scene here on Polycount and i'm streaming the hole process just right there :
https://www.twitch.tv/krenerk. Come say hi
Feel free to give me any critics, whatever your level is. It's always good to get a different point of view !Here's the main reference for my scene :

Lil' update on the scene : I've been working on refining the buildings. I've almost finished the modelling from 2 of them and I've cleaned the layout of the scene.