I had to reinstall UE4 and bridge has not detected that. It displays that the plugin is installed when it isn't, causing any exports to UE4 to result in an error.
is there any way to manually trigger a reinstall of the plugin?
2. Delete Bridge from C:\\Users\\[Username goes here]\\AppData\\Roaming\\
*****3. Delete support from "Your Documents > Megascans Library > Support" --- Local Library Path in Bridge>Edit>Settings if "support" exists in the path
4. Launch Bridge and try to install the UE4 plugin.
#3 This one key detail fixed the problem, but wasted so much time trying to find "Local Library Path." Be more specific for non technical artists.
The information provided is accurate and applies to technical and non-technical artists alike. Please refrain from bumping year-old threads. Thank you!
1. Close Bridge.
2. Delete Bridge from C:\\Users\\[Username goes here]\\AppData\\Roaming\\
3. Delete support from Local Library Path in Bridge>Edit>Settings if "support" exists in the path
4. Launch Bridge and try to install the UE4 plugin.
1. Close Bridge.
2. Delete Bridge from C:\\Users\\[Username goes here]\\AppData\\Roaming\\
*****3. Delete support from "Your Documents > Megascans Library > Support" --- Local Library Path in Bridge>Edit>Settings if "support" exists in the path
4. Launch Bridge and try to install the UE4 plugin.
#3 This one key detail fixed the problem, but wasted so much time trying to find "Local Library Path." Be more specific for non technical artists.