Since FaceExtrude is basically unusable and I like parametric workflow, I decided to have some fun with streamlining the experience with the Edit Poly modifier. Hiding the complex UI means you won't accidentally commit the settings.
The script files are
available at scriptspot.
Doing it this way also means that you can edit the modifiers to your liking, make a Bevel modifier or Bridge Faces modifier or Extrude Edges or whatever edit poly operation is supported - turn on MacroRecorder, add Edit Poly modifier, press the desired button and change the settings. You can then replace
delegate.setOperation #ExtrudeFace for example with
delegate.setOperation #BridgePolygon and the parameters and settings with matching options.
Where would you use it? If you're like me and like fast and dirty (yet still clean) solutions, with Shell you can set Edge Selection and use that as on-the-fly support loops:
judging by some of the comments in a different scripted modifier I found lying around I was aware of issues around updates but I suspect I got distracted by something shiny and gave up thinking about it