Wanting to create a realistic archviz of an existing building, I want to map his true materials.
Having no experience in texturing I approached Quixel Mixer, but what I didn't understand is if Mixer can start from the photo or photos I can shot at various building materials (steel, aluminum mostly, no scan is possible due the building size) and use Mixer to generate the whole needed elements (normal, AO, displacement etc).
Was looking at Materialize tutorials and understood can do that, wanting to understand the differences and where to start.
I.e I see normal map creation as experimental, but no AO or transparent, displacement etc.
Need I to create them in another tool such as Photoshop
Edit: researching more apear you can import your custom textures
But Mixer didn't help you generating them from a photo.
Any suggested tool do do this, that seamlessy integrate with Mixer?
So I suppose I can use these to prepare my custom texture and next use Mixer to enrich it with all the layers, controls and Megascan materials and decals database to pick up from.