I just finished a little contract making glaciers for a game, and thought that I should make one for myself. I enjoy doing organic stuff, and nailing the snow/ice of a glacier is a really interesting challenge. I treated this like a hero game asset, baking it down to 20k tris, and am using a single 4096 map set with a detail overlay. (normal only)
Below is a quick breakdown of my process (see my blog for more), but in summary it was using ZBrush with heightmap alphas generated in Substance Designer. Decimation Master for quick low res-ing, then cleanup and UVs in Max. Baking in Designer (see notes in blog re: Curvature Map errors), then material work in Substance Painter/Designer, and presentation shots in Marmoset. Hope you all enjoy!
Front and Back final shots

Designer heightmap generation for masks in ZBrush:

Final Sculpts:

Low Res, focused on keeping silhouettes:

Substance Painter material tests:

Final Textures. I took liberties with the albedo, and added some blue, because it looks better!: