hey guys! I wanted to share this tutorial series I made here, maybe it's beneficial for someone!
it's covering modeling basics, modeling timelapse, uvw intro and timelapse, and finally texturing.. all of them are freely available on youtube!
feel free to take a giant shit on it, give feedback, or post what you did here
first part of the series (you can find the others on the chanel)
https://youtu.be/FbzF8UpsNEI and this is what I'll be making/explaining how I did it

and an arstation link because I would feel empty if its not here (
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/N5bmXD )
its based on Fernando Correa's concept! (
https://www.artstation.com/fernandocorrea )
@Sigmatron Thank you! I'm glad to hear I succeded on getting the vibe close!
I was wondering if you had a rigged version of the chosen one for download? I saw on Sketchfab you had eyelids blinking and a simple idle animation, also really cool stuff.
@tsco I have a rigged version, but I didn't upload that to the gumroad since it's only for 3dsmax, and its also pretty basic.. and too many ways that it wont open correctly for people who download, and that would require too much troubleshott
Sigue asi! un abrazo muy fuerte