Hey everyone!
I finally finished this material I've been working on.
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0XdYg5I went for a hike a couple of years ago in the Fréjus, South of France, and had the chance to look closely at the Massif de l'Estérel. Looking back at the photos I was inspired by some of the formations and especially the cliff's color. I wanted to replicate them in Substance Designer and create a procedural material. The material has a full control of number of rocks used, the cracks, the moss, lichen and some plants. It has a lot of variations in terms Height Map. I'm quite happy with the final result. It's really rough and I liked the final noise I got from it.
It's been a while since I've done a rock study and the graph ended up being pretty messy but somehow still really optimized.

Fully procedural, 100% Substance Designer, 4K resolution, lots of variations and options to customize from: Number of rocks and variations along with height adjustment, moss and lichen destribution with colors, cracks generation and overall color for each generator.
Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 3 and some retouches were done in Photoshop.
It'll be used in a scene about Tintin's island that I'll be working on soon.

Let me know what you think, also don't hesitate to see full res images on my Artstation!
