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Assassins chase animation. What'd you think?


  • tholmes3d
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    tholmes3d polycounter lvl 11
    What's the goal with this piece? it's pretty big so having some context from you would help us give better critique. Are you looking for notes on the animation or the story/pacing/shots, how far through the process are you, etc.

    Here are some simple notes as I watch through:
    :08  What's he doing with his foot as he walks through the door?
    :10 Why does he go directly into cover? We haven't seen that he has any reason to be suspicious. You should explain this better to the audience so they can be in on the drama of the situation. 
    :19 He looks very calm right now given that he was just hiding behind a column in a parking garage. It feels like he relaxed too quick
    :27 and :35 are almost the same shot. Try giving one guy a pose change (it can be the same action, just have one crouching, or kneeling or something) to make them feel different.
    For the whole driving section, simplify the camera. It's making it hard to see what's going on. And take some more time with the cars, meaning add more frames. Right now they zip around like toy cars and it takes away from the drama of them being big heavy speed machines. It's mostly the turning that is too fast.
    1:17 Have the guy jump 1 second earlier. 
    1:18 Make sure the guy is flying through the air on an arc. I can see right now he's flying straight forwards and it looks kinda silly.

    In general, take a little bit more time to sell each moment properly, even if that means cutting out some shots so that it doesn't get overwhelming. This is a huge piece so it's impressive you were able to make that many shots. moving forward, if you want it to be better I think you'll want to trim pieces out so you can focus on the most important moments, unless you have infinite time and an army of animators in which case maybe you don't have to cut anything :) 
  • cuLiref
    Wow? That was detailed. Thanks a bunch for your feedback. I really appreciate. 
    You are right about not having enough frames. It was acrually due to the fact that I almost do not have time at all. In my country we get electricity like 3-4 hours in a day and that's all the time I have to render. Plus my system specs are very low. So, I try my best to cut down frames to as minimum as possible. I know it's not about speed but, quality. But, my life is moving fast and I really need to get a sponsor or offer soon.  :# 

    I have another animation rendering right now and I think it has the same problem of frame cuts, but I'll make correction on the other ones surely. And accept that better presentation is better than a fast one.
    Thanks so much

    I actually work alone so, yea... I'm taking your advice :#

    Actually this is a done piece I'd move on to something else but, definitely put your corrections into effect. I just did it as kind of a trailer or a clip from somewhere just to show more of the actions and ability showcase than telling a strory. 
    Thank you once again and I'm glad I posted this here
  • tholmes3d
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    tholmes3d polycounter lvl 11
    Dang, with the limitations you have, that's awesome that you're able to get done what you've done so far. Do you want to be a generalist, or specifically an animator? If animation, then for future projects I would not worry about rendering and instead focus on the actual animation. I would hands down hire somebody with better animation, than somebody with well rendered animation that is fundamentally less good. Maybe there are politics to getting a sponsor that I'm unaware of, but at least that's true for somebody I would recommend to be hired. Good luck with your next piece, and post as early as possible so we can see your work in progress! Hopefully we can give good notes so it's the best it can be.
  • cuLiref
    Thank you so much. For your response. I appreciate 
    I wanna be a generalist but, to specialize in animation primarily. I'm making a finished work for it to look appealing. 
    I hear it is impossible to get hired from another country so I wanna make it appealing for people around here to see if someone would pick interest in it while I get better. Y'know

    If I was in a developed country I would have just playblasted the animation for employers to see, as there are people who know the worth. But here, they only care about finished products cuz the industry isn't very popular and widely accepted as an alternative. You know what I mean
  • fdfxd2
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    fdfxd2 interpolator

    Modelling is fine(I can't model characters so you've already one upped me in that department), texturing is okay but I think you need to work on the animation a little bit, this video will help with that I think
  • cuLiref
    fdfxd2 said:

    Modelling is fine(I can't model characters so you've already one upped me in that department), texturing is okay but I think you need to work on the animation a little bit, this video will help with that I think
    Thank you for the contribution, encouragement and pointing me towards that video. 
    I'll definitely work on getting better at the animation.
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