Hi, I've been trying to create some water foam in Substance Designer but it's proving quite tricky to get the results I want and I was wondering if anyone had any advice. I've found a few tutorials but they're not exactly what I'm looking for and some are incomplete sadly.
I have 8 different alpha textures that we're currently using for water foam (bit of a WIP right now):

I created these in a mix of Filter Forge and Photoshop. What we really want to do though is create animated frames for each level of these images that loops. I found in FilterForge you can change the seed, but the problem with that is the seed is random so there's no way to lerp between two seeds for a smooth animation.
So I thought I'd try in Designer as I can presumably slide up the Disorder to animate these frames (?), but its a bit beyond my knowledge right now to get anything like the patterns you see above. I was wondering if anyone has any tips to get a look like this, or if you could point me in the right direction of any tutorials I may have missed (I've been looking a lot)
I've tried cells warped with noise and inverted, tile generators of shapes, etc etc.