When dealing with
hair i would do it like that:
generate hair with xgen than render highpoly to lowpoly.
But than again i realize that the character has
eyebrows eyelashes too and probably also a visible
Is it possible to have maps where all hair-things (hair, brows, lashes, scalp) are combined and not separated?
I guess i can do combine hair with lashes and brows, but how would i combine that with the scalp?
Here it is separated:
https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/006/187/435/large/iris-yurtsev-muse-08-maps-hair.jpg?1496679791Do you have any reliable methods to combine different maps together?
Or is that even a bad idea to merge those textures together?
For a short man haircut i guess there is no way around to not use a haircap, especially for the sides.
but i think i could draw the short hair in substance painter too onto the head texture