Hello there!
here I want to show you the progress of how I made devil man and how I go to the end result.
I started with an idea of a devil detective in a Film-Noir setting.
So I made a mood board and quickly know what I wanted to do: the style of sin city mixed with Hellboy
like in sin city I wanted to use subtle colors to make those areas pop more
The character would be Brute looking but still a good guy
Here is the mood board:
Then started on my base mesh in zbrush to get the basic features I wanted for the character:
Also made the horns made using the zspheres:
Then I started detailing the face more, and also added sphere for the eye placeholders:
then add the horns to the head and add more detail to them. Also did some extra work on the face, also added the cigarette:
Then I add a jacket by using the mask tool and the extract tool, and also made it's chest wider to give him more of an imposing look:
Then I started to add more details to his face to give it more expression:
Also, I added a neckless for the chain I used the IMM curve brush:
Then I bring all the components together and also starting to tweak the material to get sharper and better fitting look for the render.
I used the gw_max_blinn material and tweak it:
Then it was time to render it and export it to Photoshop.
This was the end result:
I hope you found it interesting to read and thank you for taking the time to look

feedback is always welcom

if youre done with this piece, perhaps mae some time to gather more anatomical references for your next piece