I bake the maps using zbrush multi map exporter, both the noraml map and cavity are having seams at the UV split area, the I try using marmoset and substance painter ,still having the same problem, I am new to bake , please have a look at it and help me out.

You can't tell if a tangent space normal map is correct or not by looking at the colours - only by the result under lighting
Post a picture of the object with a proper material in the Painter viewport with a normal map baked in Painter
Curvature maps often have artefacts at seams due to the way they are calculated - you could try messing with the bake settings but ultimately it may not be 100% solvable.
You will of course be able to paint out any issues with generators that the seam causes.
That said, if you need to view the object this close up then I'd suggest not putting a UV seam there in the first place