Hello.. something weird is happening here
I imported a model I did in maya into substance painter and one of the geometry of my model is not displaying correctly the material in the substance viewport... Uvs for this model are organized in 3 udim .. everything is fine except for this geometry. I did the uvs for this piece as I did the others but as soon as I apply a smart material I get weird artifacts all over the component and I don't really understand why.. I imported this model unchecking the option - create texture set per udim tile-
I tried everything and nothing, then I imported the component by itself CHECKING create texture set per udim tile and it actually worked so I assume the problem arises in the moment I uncheck this guy.. so I believe I could go on and make the texture for this component separately but I don't really like this I want to be able to see how the whole model will look like.. Here some screenshot
this is how the model is in maya (I exported the smoothed version)

heres the UDIMS

HERES THE PROBLEM! as u can see all those weird artifacts affecting my mesh. T_T

Heres when I import the mash alone IT DOES WORK CORRECTLY (create texture set per udim tile is checked)

If you don't create a unique texture set per UDIM they'll all get the same information applied