what techniques would you use to create the details in the stone ground of this picture? There's a concrete grout, but the stone areas are very different from each other. Some stone areas have multiple stones. All the stones have varying shapes and wear to them as well. If you look at the area to the right of the chairs, for instance, that area has 3 stones within it's "stone" area... So I'm just trying to pick your brains about this.

If you start with a tile random using a small number of tiles you could use that to mask other pattern generators together. Combine that with vector displacement and you might get close to what you want.
Alternatively the 3d worley noise set to minkowski might give you some good shapes to start working with - you can distort the position map fed into those to create wobbly patterns and if you are prepared to break it open you can mess with the random placement to an extent too.
My instincts say a general solution is probably beyond the scope of designer, it might be possible to build something limited in the pixel processor but I'd have to dig into it to work out what to do.