Hi there,
Working on this concept environment that CDPR released a little while ago for Cyberpunk 2077.

I've not really worked on just a small detailed interior project before, and this seemed like something fairly straightforward that I could turn around in relatively quick fashion, but it also has a couple of interesting lighting components - lighting being something else I wanted to focus on here...
Here's where I'm at presently;

As well as (as always) being totally open to any early observations or feedback you guys have - I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for what to put on the video screens in there? The audio I have playing is
'The Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace' by the late
John Perry Barlow.I'm interested to hear if you can think of some video that's somewhat related to the audio - something that represents the kind of wide-eyed, naive excitement people had for the internet back in the mid-nineties; back when people used terms like 'information super-highway' and 'cyberspace' completely without irony or sarcasm? I've got some ideas, but I don't want to influence anyone's suggestions so I'll post them later maybe...
Anyhow - thanks for taking a look and as I said please share any thoughts you might have about it.
P.S: Working title ; 'The Deck' is borrowed from '
Neuromancer' terminology for a cybernetic-human interface device - the thing that the character in the concept appears to be plugged into....
Thanks for the kind words - it's always encouraging to have some sort of confirmation at the start of a project just to let you know you're not barking up the wrong tree.
Kind regards,
Mainly been tweaking the materials on the video displays and experimenting with ways of using the video in the lighting...