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How do i get an internship at Ubisoft

polycounter lvl 5
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SatpreetSingh04 polycounter lvl 5
I have been learning modelling, texturing and will be learning rigging and animation in few months. I am pretty decent as far as my modelling is concerned. I learn on a daily basis watching tutorials on Pluralsight. What do i need to do specifically to get an internship at Ubisoft ?.


  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    This is advice for any junior level position:

    1. Go on artstation, search for junior artists at any studio you like (preferably new hires and it's their first industry job). 

    2. Pull up their best piece of work and then pull up your best piece of work, side by side.

    3. This is the hard part: be brutally honest with yourself and determine if your art is hitting the quality bar of their work. If it isn't, write down every single thing they've nailed that you haven't and apply it to a new project. If it is, keep on working and applying.

    4. Don't make this your only post. It takes a village to raise an artist and polycount can be your village. If you show commitment and post regularly to the 3D showcase for feedback you will eventually get some help.

    5. It can take years to even get an internship so keep at it.

  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    I don't believe there are junior positions at ubisoft, or atleast I've never seen them advertised.
    There is the ubisoft NXT showcase that claims to hire junior artists, though the hires have a variety of skill levels so not entirely sure.
    Could you post some of your work?
  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
    There are definitely junior positions at Ubisoft (I was interviewed for a jr character artist position there), though they are rare since there is huge pool of seniors and people misunderstand the required level (junior roles doesn't mean you will be taught there, it means you are completely cabable of doing your job by yourself, you just lack experience working at a studio). Also internships. Just don't expect them to pick people from outside the city as interns and they might be connect to the requirement of being a student.
  • Taylor Brown
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    Taylor Brown ngon master
    I know the Ubisoft in Pune seeks juniors. My friend (who is in Mumbai I think) was approached after posting a particularly nice hero prop. 
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    There is a thread in this subforum called "recently hired in AAA? show your portfolio." I believe not very long ago two or three people were hired at ubisoft as prop artist. You can see the work they had to get those jobs and if you lack the eye to distinguish if your work is as good as theirs or not, you should get involved in a community so other people can help you.

    As far as how those people found teh job, applied, and all of that, maybe PM them directly and ask. But I wouldn't do that until you are certain that you've got the artwork necessary to get hired. Otherwise it's just being a nuisance.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    I'd imagine step 1  would be to email the studio you want an internship at and ask them. 

    Be aware that they might say no - many studios will not take interns on at all and those that do will be very selective about it.  The main reason for this is the cost (financial and time) involved in taking care of them 
  • Zi0
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    Zi0 polycounter
    First of all which Ubisoft studio are we talking about? There is a lot of them and they all have different approaches when it comes to internships.
  • SatpreetSingh04
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    SatpreetSingh04 polycounter lvl 5
    Thank you everyone for posting your valuable comments. It means a lot  <3
    Ill definitely work on my skills and will be active on polycount (AKA Village of artists) and share my work soon since im learning. I just wanted a professional advice . Thank you once again everyone.
  • SatpreetSingh04
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    SatpreetSingh04 polycounter lvl 5
    This is advice for any junior level position:

    1. Go on artstation, search for junior artists at any studio you like (preferably new hires and it's their first industry job). 

    2. Pull up their best piece of work and then pull up your best piece of work, side by side.

    3. This is the hard part: be brutally honest with yourself and determine if your art is hitting the quality bar of their work. If it isn't, write down every single thing they've nailed that you haven't and apply it to a new project. If it is, keep on working and applying.

    4. Don't make this your only post. It takes a village to raise an artist and polycount can be your village. If you show commitment and post regularly to the 3D showcase for feedback you will eventually get some help.

    5. It can take years to even get an internship so keep at it.

    Thank You.
  • SatpreetSingh04
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    SatpreetSingh04 polycounter lvl 5
    NikhilR said:
    I don't believe there are junior positions at ubisoft, or atleast I've never seen them advertised.
    There is the ubisoft NXT showcase that claims to hire junior artists, though the hires have a variety of skill levels so not entirely sure.
    Could you post some of your work?
    I still learning but i will soon post when im done
  • SatpreetSingh04
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    SatpreetSingh04 polycounter lvl 5
    I know the Ubisoft in Pune seeks juniors. My friend (who is in Mumbai I think) was approached after posting a particularly nice hero prop. 
    Can you tell me what are the skills that are required like what are the things i should for ex Maya / 3ds max, substance, zbrush

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    You say you're good at modeling, but have yet to post a portfolio of that work. 

    Can you show us instead of writing about it?
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    NikhilR said:
    I don't believe there are junior positions at ubisoft, or atleast I've never seen them advertised.
    There is the ubisoft NXT showcase that claims to hire junior artists, though the hires have a variety of skill levels so not entirely sure.
    Could you post some of your work?
    Ubisoft Montreal hires juniors all the time, I don't think most job postings on their site specifically state junior or intermediate, as ubisoft classifies hires by a level system based on experience level. a junior would be referred to as a artist - level 1, and a senior would be a artist - level 3 or 4. But they absolutely do hire juniors that are producing work at an industry standard level, in fact they love to as it is a lot cheaper for them than hiring a senior, their work just has to be good. 

    if there is a job posting for a job its usually open to all applicants, and they classify the artists level based on experience after they apply/interview. 
  • SatpreetSingh04
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    SatpreetSingh04 polycounter lvl 5
    NikhilR said:
    I don't believe there are junior positions at ubisoft, or atleast I've never seen them advertised.
    There is the ubisoft NXT showcase that claims to hire junior artists, though the hires have a variety of skill levels so not entirely sure.
    Could you post some of your work?
    Ubisoft Montreal hires juniors all the time, I don't think most job postings on their site specifically state junior or intermediate, as ubisoft classifies hires by a level system based on experience level. a junior would be referred to as a artist - level 1, and a senior would be a artist - level 3 or 4. But they absolutely do hire juniors that are producing work at an industry standard level, in fact they love to as it is a lot cheaper for them than hiring a senior, their work just has to be good. 

    if there is a job posting for a job its usually open to all applicants, and they classify the artists level based on experience after they apply/interview. 
    Thank you
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    NikhilR said:
    I don't believe there are junior positions at ubisoft, or atleast I've never seen them advertised.
    There is the ubisoft NXT showcase that claims to hire junior artists, though the hires have a variety of skill levels so not entirely sure.
    Could you post some of your work?
    Ubisoft Montreal hires juniors all the time, I don't think most job postings on their site specifically state junior or intermediate, as ubisoft classifies hires by a level system based on experience level. a junior would be referred to as a artist - level 1, and a senior would be a artist - level 3 or 4. But they absolutely do hire juniors that are producing work at an industry standard level, in fact they love to as it is a lot cheaper for them than hiring a senior, their work just has to be good. 

    if there is a job posting for a job its usually open to all applicants, and they classify the artists level based on experience after they apply/interview. 
    Would an internship count as a junior position? And would the intern require to produce work at an industry standard level?

    Any internships I've seen have a fair amount of training involved and usually works alongside a college program, at least in Toronto that was the system, and it was an arrangement with indie studios, not AAA.

    After the NXT showcase, the winner and some finalists got an apprenticeship, I'm not sure what level that was at but it was only 4 months at a set rate.

    That was the closest to what I'd say was an internship at ubisoft, that or the ubisoft graduate program, since OP asked about internship opportunities.

    The training was more on the job, no classes or anything from what I know.
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