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[Substance Designer]: Frozen Cans

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Talyndas greentooth

[Substance Designer]: Frozen Cans

I spent these last few days working on this substance. I especially liked working on the colorimetry / roughness of ice cubes and cans shape. 
I wanted a stylized result with a little touch more realistic on cans, I had a lot of fun making it ! 
100 % Designer, rendered in Marmoset.



  • Rossua
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    Rossua polycounter lvl 3
    What made you think of creating this substance? It looks great and i think its really unique, well done!
    I think the cans need some rotation variation, to me they look strange being perfectly upright.
    Same for the depth as well, it would be great to see a can buried underneath the ice cubes (fully or partially).
    I like your decision to make the cans a bit more realistic, adds a nice contrast to the ice.
  • Talyndas
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    Talyndas greentooth
    Thanks a lot ! For the little story, We were waiting our pizzas with a friend and we saw a freezer with cans et Mr Freeze, That's how I decided to go in Designer. 
    Yes I have to adjust some parameters, I haven't thought to burry some cans but for the rotation, I wanted to play around with the shape extrude node, But i didn't get a great result. I don't know how I can fix that.
  • Rossua
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    Rossua polycounter lvl 3
    yea, i realise that its allot easier said than done.
    For the ice, you could try and introduce a subtle red hue around the cans. That might be a simple solution to help add some depth.
    For the rotation have you played around with Transform 2D and the Skew node? 
    Have you looked at the histogram range node as well?
    And if your using a tile generator for the position of you cans, there should be a luminance parameter. You can use this to vary the heights of your cans.

    You might already be using these, but i cant tell from your node graphic, they're all so small :) 

  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    Excellent material saw it last night when I was playing in Designer. I'm curious how you did the delightful blue gradient on your graph?
  • Talyndas
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    Talyndas greentooth
    @Rossua Thanks for these feedback ! I will try it, I didn't thought to use Skew node or histogram range 
  • Talyndas
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    Talyndas greentooth
    @zachagreg Thanks ! I blended multiples gradient map nodes with different mask to get different informations of depth
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