Howdy, I'm currently working on a little environment diorama which will consist of a garden gnome and some little shrubs/plants. I sculpted it based loosely off of a gnome I found online and retoped in maya. Baked the textures too and I'm liking it so far, but any critiques or advice would be great!
What I want to accomplish with this is to fully use procedural texturing texhniques. Strictly a smart material in Painter for the gnome and procedural leaves+dirt+grass in substance designer
My topology:

The bake results:

The texturing style I'm going for:

Thanks for looking!
Texturing an realistic object straight from a reference can sometimes bring results that are too hard to read and I feel that everything on a screen needs to be just a tiny bit graphic due to it being smaller than the object in real life. Do most people think this way when texturing realistic assets or do you go straight for the most realistic texture you can?
Aside from all that the concrete feels a little too rough and the splotchiness of its hue is a little too prevalent for my taste. Any other critiques are very much appreciated!