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My first Z-Brush Human Male Anatomy

polycounter lvl 3
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ShoxZzBladeZz polycounter lvl 3
Hey Guys! This is my First Base Male Character made in Z-Brush, I am looking for feedback and Guidance on How to improve my Skills. My Character took roughly 5 weeks to complete. Thank you in Advance!

Above - Character Simple Pose using Masking Tool and Gizmo 3D To move & rotate. 

Above - Character in T-pose Back, Front & side with perspective on. 

Above - Character Posing in a more dynamic Shape, Made using Masking tool & Gizmo 3D to move & rotate. 

Ps: I followed a Z-Brush Victory 3D Tutorial to learn the Main tools used in sculpting this included; Move, ClayBuildUp, DamStandard & Flatten Brush. 
Then Using Photo reference from different sources such as Pinterest I defined the muscles further. 


  • brettd
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    brettd triangle
    I don't know what your process was for the sculpting, but I'd recommend you keep your mesh as low resolution as possible and only start defining muscles and other details when you've got the base forms completely accurate.

    Whatever the starting point (if you're using a basemesh, or dynamesh, etc), focus on getting the primary forms and silhouette done in a low subdivision. You need the big shapes to be correct, if they're not then no matter how good your details are, the model will look wrong.
    Try and get the shape accurate on the lowest subdivision you can, and only move to a higher subdivision when you need to.
    Make sure you're looking at your model from all around, don't work on a part by looking at it straight on only. The forms need to be correct in 3d, you'll be able to see issues much easier if you are rotating around often and ensuring the outline is correct from all angles.

    Whilst doing that, make sure you're using reference all the time and not assuming things about what proportion or shape things are.
    Polycount has some good resources (for pretty much everything in the industry), 3d scans are also very useful reference (The best thing is buying a 3d scan to use directly, instead of just using picture reference).
  • ShoxZzBladeZz
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    ShoxZzBladeZz polycounter lvl 3
    Thank you Brett!  I began the Process with a sphere at a DynaMesh Resolution of 32, I can see now my Base Mesh could of been more accurate. 
    This is my Base Mesh before Sculpting Anatomy & Muscles. 
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