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[WIP] The Time Shop

polycounter lvl 4
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bybyle polycounter lvl 4
Hello guys ! 

I'm redoing my thread because I guess I started the last one pretty badly. Never done a WIP thread before.
I'm a 3D generalist, and in my freetime I wanted to practice some 3D modelisation. So every night I try to work a bit on this.
I was looking for a good artwork on Artstation that I could model in 3D and that would've been a good practice.

And I found this piece of art, from Lok Du (https://www.artstation.com/lokdu)
So I've contacted him to ask if I could work on it and do a thread about it. He was really happy that I would do this. He even send me a better resolution of his work to help me in the process.

I liked it because it has some cool shapes and I find the work pretty awesome all in all.

So I started the blocking on Maya and I guess I'm done with it (before finishing the blocking I took soem time to detail the left side of the house, oops): 

I think I'll continue the detailing of the left side of the main house, It's not over yet.
I'm now wondering If I should model the tiles for the roof, or just stick to a texture. I guess the model would be prettier but not that fast to do ! I'll see that later, I still need to detail everything else.

For the moment I'm pretty happy about what I've done so far.

I hope you'll like it,

See you soon,



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