Hi guys, so February end and with it this small training I decided to take every week to improve my zbrush cowboy skills.
So this speed sculpts have a duration of 2 up to 3hrs depending on the complexity:
First two just 2hrs and the last ones 3hrs.
In case you wanna see more of the details I'll leave the link to my Blog over ArtStation in case you wanna read more about them, and who knows maybe join the challenge?
https://www.artstation.com/edwinter/blogSmall videos with turntables include over here:
But I just realized that by making this activity I just made one important step into my art self taught path, and is the importance of Try and fail but into a more safe way instead of screw it with some important art test or contest or even a portfolio piece
So without further more Ill try to repost my blog entry of my artstation section:
Demon 00
This guy over here holding what looks like a tesseract was a sculpt of 3hrs and the goal was to make a full body daemon buuuut, unfortunately, that didn't happen I run out of time.
Also, one thing in mind to study over here was the design process. Part of the challenge was 1st hour without any kind of reference and after the 1st hr we where allowed to use but only anatomical ones, but I personally receive a more complex challenge by just going blind on this it was just me and my head to try to make out something cool in 3hrs.
And I end up with a dumb demon
Small Turntable Raw Sculpt:
This one was only a bust with a time limit of 2.5 hrs and I'm not happy with the final image but I was so happy that over the process I feel how my skill improve and my main trick here was this wonderful tutorial from Flipped Normals market: (https://flippednormals.com/downloads/sculpting-a-realistic-female-face-in-zbrush/) This web has been my second place where I have to learn after I graduate from school, so If you are looking for some sort of nice place where you can get guidance to check it and also watch some of their Youtube Videos to get that extra juice.
Also over here was the same guidelines as the past one just your imagination and no Refs during the first hour.
Small turntable (raw sculpt)
At this point, I saw some cool post that Mr. Grassetti launches at the beginning of this year so I'm willing to catch up on them.
I treat this as a study more than a speed sculpts and man! it was rough, I struggle so much in the beginning with the anatomy I see a cat shape but not the cat I was aiming to get.
So I decided to make it of 3hrs time limit due to my lack of references I think I took about 1 hr or so to take some of them and keep moving.
Just a pause here to say that you ALWAYS need some good references, don't use them doesn't give you extra points or so, it's going more to the way of seeing how good you are and leave a benchmark on what you know and what you need to improve.
And after crying, struggling and almost quitting I get all my S... stuffs together and finish it.
At this point, I was happy that I treat some of my works like these so I can screw it and leave it there instead of making my next "portfolio piece" and screw it on the presentation or other parts of the process and ruin it. So yes, that another advise making this kind of works so you can practice other areas you feel you are lacking.
turntable of the raw sculpt:
Same as the last time but with a more focused mind of not going mainstream and put horns and some angry or shouting face
The time was set to 2.5 hrs and over here I feel like butter on a toast because I knew I want something with a cyclops involved and I think I end up mixing some Japanese mouth with a scary blind cyclops.
Finally, I decided to use my old and trusty Blender for a render, and I need to say I was starting to leave it but this rendered image just leave me expecting more out of it for the next time
Small turntable raw sculpt
Over here I'm trying to be more sneaky and take 2 birds down with a shot by making a sea creature (snapper turtle) blend with a creature maybe like a biped (more into the art direction of the realistic pokemon, yup Inspector Pikachu I'm looking at you O.O)
the time limit was 2hrs.
So far I see this render and It's one of my favorites so once again I'm glad of this speed sculpts to making me improve my rendering skills and have a better presentation
Small turntable raw sculpt
Keep it up, I can see an improvement from your first post.
The turntable is directly made out of ZBrush and without any type of bpr or NPR or whatever, just to leave a more clear idea of the full sculpt.
Maybe it's a useless step and I have to reconsider to invest my time more into sculpting as you said.
Just bear with me its gonna be part of a process to improve or develop my art skills.
the texturing part its also a polypaint but definitely not the best one as I can see :P, not too much color variation or good color harmony.
Thanks once again for taking your time of seeing and maybe reading this post