Hello my name is Hunter Lawson,
I hope this is the correct forum for this, if not please redirect me and I will move this post elsewhere.
I am currently working towards my MFA: Environment Art and for one of the classes we are supposed to post our work here and get as much feedback as we can.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would review and critique a couple of my portfolio pieces. I've included links to my ArtStation posts which also include video and 3D scene views of the models.
Arbiter's Ghost
55th Street

If you've made it this far, thank you so much!
I am looking foreword to hearing all the feedback!
Your ghost could use texture tweaks as well, if you look at the model from Halo Reach it has more color variation and wear and tear.
I hope this helps a bit! Good luck
And yeah, comparatively, my ghost really looks like it is fresh off the assembly line..
Thank you so much!