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New.. Removing or painting over Textures

polycounter lvl 14
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ozaffer polycounter lvl 14
I'm pretty new to substance and I wasn't having luck with a google search so my apologize for the newbie question. 

edit: I was making a belt and getting alot of bleeding inbetween an objects elements even when painting in the texture map view. A common issue I'm sure which I've already fixed with the brush UV parameters, but my 2nd issue idk how to phrase for a search engine.. Some elements that I wanted a brass metallic color/texture but when the leather texture bled over then got painted over with brass the leather texture doesn't go away.. so I have some leather texture on the brass elements that idk how to get rid of.. Examples below.. 

I'll likely need to watch a full tut on this but I'm interested in getting Ambient Occlusion maps or spec maps exported too, my first export (planning on using Unreal engine so used that preset) gave me a bump and diffuse but without the reflective maps it comes out flat especially the metals.


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    save yourself a lot of trouble and do some tuts.

    you'll want to understand how to use the layer stack to your advantage here. That's the  main way to separate different types of elements. Technically you can paint directly in a single layer like that, but -- well just do some tuts and you'll see why it's really wasting the potential of the program.

    One thing you may want to try is set up two fill layers. Make one gold and one brown (to represent your brass and your leather.) Add a black mask to both layers. Right click on the mask and add a paint layer. Now you can use a brush to segregate the parts, or better yet, if you have separated the parts into UV chunks or created a color ID map or maybe even the faces themselves align with the material types, you can separate that way. Press "4" for the polygon/uv chunk/mesh island fill tool.

    As far as exporting goes, you can export exactly what you need and how you need it... just a matter of learning what tools are in the tool belt is all. All the export presets are customizable. To be safe duplicate the one you think you need and make any changes on the duplicate.

    All these questions you are asking will be covered in most of your 101 tutorials. Allegorithmic has some pretty good ones on their site, however they may be a little hard to follow if you are totally new to 3d. If that's the case, a noob-focused library like pluralsight, 3dmotive, or lynda is a good place to go from zero to step one.
  • ozaffer
    Offline / Send Message
    ozaffer polycounter lvl 14
    save yourself a lot of trouble and do some tuts.

    you'll want to understand how to use the layer stack to your advantage here. That's the  main way to separate different types of elements. Technically you can paint directly in a single layer like that, but -- well just do some tuts and you'll see why it's really wasting the potential of the program.

    One thing you may want to try is set up two fill layers. Make one gold and one brown (to represent your brass and your leather.) Add a black mask to both layers. Right click on the mask and add a paint layer. Now you can use a brush to segregate the parts, or better yet, if you have separated the parts into UV chunks or created a color ID map or maybe even the faces themselves align with the material types, you can separate that way. Press "4" for the polygon/uv chunk/mesh island fill tool.

    As far as exporting goes, you can export exactly what you need and how you need it... just a matter of learning what tools are in the tool belt is all. All the export presets are customizable. To be safe duplicate the one you think you need and make any changes on the duplicate.

    All these questions you are asking will be covered in most of your 101 tutorials. Allegorithmic has some pretty good ones on their site, however they may be a little hard to follow if you are totally new to 3d. If that's the case, a noob-focused library like pluralsight, 3dmotive, or lynda is a good place to go from zero to step one.
    forgot about the layers. I’ll have to refreash myself on those basics. Ty for the reply. surprising something eazy as the bleed would be so hard to correct.
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