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Medieval Tavern building render, looking for critique

polycounter lvl 5
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Slothfuldrake polycounter lvl 5
My lastest building model, cant wait to hear your critiquesender


  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    I like the maquette looking renders. Its kinda like the uncanny walley with characters in my opinion, but with non character assets. You got that look in my opinion, so personally I like it. I have a few critiques too. The windows are obviously opaque, and it screams that. You can try adding some reflectivity to them to make that less apparent. If that doesnt work, you could put a plane behind them with some curtain texture or whatever, and make the windows actually transparent. My another critique is about the texture of the table. It just doesn't look good in my opinion. The scale of its details are off, and there are no planks. Oh. And there are some parts of the roof plates visibly clipping into the roof window on the right side.
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Roof needs to be a color or darker, feels off for some reason. The dark corners of the render are pulling my eye away from what I want to focus on.
  • Slothfuldrake
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    Slothfuldrake polycounter lvl 5
    Roof needs to be a color or darker, feels off for some reason. The dark corners of the render are pulling my eye away from what I want to focus on.
    Did you mean the vignette?
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Roof needs to be a color or darker, feels off for some reason. The dark corners of the render are pulling my eye away from what I want to focus on.
    Did you mean the vignette?
    Ya, I couldn’t tell it was an intentional vignette, since it’s really heavy handed and unbalanced (some corners darker than others). If you feel strongly about keeping it I think you need more negative space between your focal point and the edges of the image, as the current execution of your vignette is cramping your composition.
  • Noren
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    Noren polycounter lvl 20
    I agree that the vignette is distracting.
    The materials overall seem much to similar in color and tone (might partly be the lighting), only exception are the bricks and the most saturated part seems to be that one rightmost wall panel. I agree the scale of things and details seems off in many places. Compare the size of the bricks and the roof tiles for example.
    Some things look stuck into each other or stacked. Some offset between elements can give visual interest, but it has to make sense. No one would place a beam with so much offset and it's very unlikely it would come lose in such a way, rather than the whole structure shifting while the joints stay in place in regards to each other. There are also no visible connections like pegs or woodworking joints.
     Not sure if the stairs are supposed to be rock tiles or wood planks, but no stair would be built like that in that scale and the texture tiling and offset seems random. Same goes for the big stones around the terrasse which seem to be suspended over nothing.
    You have some variation in timber width, but it doesn't always seem to make sense. E. g. the repeatedly placed beams holding the overhanging second floor seem quite flimsy (but maybe the scale is throwing me off) they seem also randomly placed in regards to their base, simply placed on top of the floor no matter what's beneath without foundation or basis. Some of the beams seem like they are simply scaled down as a whole to fill smaller panels and some of them seem more ornamental than practical or necessary.
    Similar the roof tiles have been scaled down for the small roof over the stairs, which seems superfluous and oddly placed. The doorway is already protected and people are not likely to hang around on the stairs. It also seems to be glued to the wall.
    The narrow oriel extruding from an already extruded overhang in that size and dimensions on such flimsy beams (there are already two far more sturdy beams pointing outward, quite close to each other) seems impractical as well. (Might be simply the proportions, though). 
    Basically all of the overhangs could be more or less handled by horizontal beams pointing outwards if they were integrated in the structure accordingly and big enough, perhaps with some more solid vertical beams supporting them here and there, but the current support doesn't seem very functional or add a lot.
    The construction of the walls and windows seems to shift (horizontal and vertical beams) and it doesn't always seem to make sense.

    As for the rendering, the shadows are a bit too dark, in my opinion.

    Overall it's an interesting looking building, though, and probably worth investing some more time and it would be certainly worth looking into how things are constructed in the real world.
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