Hello everyone! I am a videogame art student from Barcelona that's graduating this year. After sometime lurking here I finally decided to post screenshots my end of career project (we call this TFG here). To give some context, I began this back in September and I've been doing the whole project alone, my project will be a Vertical Slice of a simulation game in UE4. I've done from scratch everything, from concept arts to implement in engine -you could say I am a One Girl Army-, and I'm finally feeling confident about posting my current state of the project!
Sorry if this is a long post bear with me if you would!

This game is about running a Wish-granting shop, set sometime in a far or not so near far in the future. I chose this theme because I love Ratchet & Clank games -who are a big inspiration for this project, specially the Future Saga- and because I love magics, so why not mixing them both? I'm trying to create a credible world in which the two can cohexist.
Your shop works by selling potions that you craft with the resources that you gather. I wanted to make a kind of Stardew Valley-Monkey Island-Ratchet&Clank mix that I hope becomes something fun! I put a lot of love into this project haha. I chose a sim game because it won't be as complex to code as a platformer, for example. Since my focus is art, though, I am trying to do the best I can with my knowledge!

This is the shop seen from outside, and that is the Main character, called Cambot 02. He used to be a broadcasting robot but due to his stage fright of broadcasting he was kicked out of his job and had to find a new one. So he became the clerk of the shop.

The shop is set on a faraway island that's decorated with the skull of a demon, making it terrifying from the front, but friendly on the back! I made the island blocking yesterday, so I entend to make high poly versions of the rocks in zBrush and then do the retopology to finally have them in the island. Boy the main rock looks awful but I swear this is a WIP.
Around the island there is a railway that leads to the house. it connects the house with a small dock, where visitors who come to the island can arrive. The house is suspended from a platform of similar design of the railways. I'm still deciding if I want the way to the house be stairs or be a flat way.

This is the front of the Cambot 02 in front of the house. I wanted to give him a bright Sukajan jacket to mismatch his awkward and mellow personality. I have 3 variations of the jacked made, but I ended up liking this one better. Once I fix his animations I want to submit him to Art Station.
As seen in the previous screenshot, the time of day changes and with it the ilumination. I still need to find a way to create the ilumination in the same way my concept art was:

But it's been harder than I thought! I will keep working on it later on.

Everything has been textured in Substance Painter, with the help of Photoshop and some Substance Designer (I made the bricks with it and I hope they don't look too jarring, it was the first time I used Designer). With this project I also learnt how to make texture atlas, so the whole house and items inside it are 2 texture sets in total. I can't believe how fast my computer runs this project compared to previous years (oops).
As I don't consider my field of specialty to be texturing, I would love to hear feedback on them!

Inside the house, in the first floor there is the reception desk and a lot of shelves, filled with potions, books, etc. I really need some ideas of low-cost items to fill those shelves. I made a blueprint to change the potions shape and color directly from it, but I haven't found a way yet to do the same with the books' texture. I also have to test if just plain color would look good or not. Any suggestions?

This is the second floor. Here the player can craft potions to grant their clients' wishes (there should be a cauldron in the middle but I don't have it just yet). I still have to fill the shelves here as well but I made a chest that opens! It will be used to storage inventory items later.

This is the terrace of the second floor. Here you can meet an NPC once a week that will give you requests and pay you with something special. I'm not sure if the terrace railway looks too flat though.

Right now I'm on the process on making this guy (called Elebot)! He's an elevator-robot (I am a boss at making names, I know.) and he's the key to transport quickly around the house (it will serve as a quickway to go from the first floor to the last) and also will serve as a travelling to the skull system.
Right now he looks like this:

I am not sure if I should texturize first, animate later or the opposite. My main concern are the arms, since I am trying to find a way to make them like the concept art without using too many bones. As I am no rig/animation expert, I would like to know how many bones are too many bones for something like this.
I hope this wasn't too long and/or boring and would love to receive some feedback and suggestions. Thank you for reading!