Hi. I am new to substance designer am im having problem opening this free .sbs file. Its sci fi looking design however when I load it in my newly purchased substance designer software it doesn't turn out as expected. theres a lot of 'legacy' symbol next to the nodes in there. I tried tweaking here and there but doesn't get any good result. the first image is the file the second is what appearing inside my SD once l loaded it The heights of all the hexagon shapes are all even and the stripes are all over the place. Is there anyway to load this file in legacy mode or something to fix and get the result like in the first picture? the emission however is from marmoset maps as the tutorial pdfs mentioned.here is the link to the file
https://gumroad.com/l/tSHxn. Thanks!

It's actually pretty simple
first, switch the material definitions to tesselation.
and then edit ur material display.
playing with tessellation factor and scale parameter, u will soon get the result that u want.
and the parent size, scale them up to 2K or higher.
if u are new to this software, I recommend you go visit this site https://academy.allegorithmic.com/search?software=substance designer
It helped me a lot few months ago, in fact, I'm still using it.
good luck bro, and welcome to Allegorithmic this big family.