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self taught and degrees in nows industry

Hello and good day to all, 

So, what i need to know is does a degree really matter ? i have read many discussions that say it doesn't and that i just have to be extremely good with an exce
ptional portfolio. But they are all really old ones. so in the animation industry, the 3D one of now in 2019 does a degree really matter ?

Thank you for reading this u
p to this point and will be waiting for your responses  and feedback on this matter. 
English not my first language so i apologize if some sentences are weird.  


  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    it only really matters if you need to get a work visa. if there are studios in your country then most likely a degree is not needed. I am self taught and have been working in the industry for the last 11+ years, and it has never held me back, but then again I live in canada and there are lots of studios here. I think I can finally be eligible for a work visa to the USA due to my years of work experience but up until about a year ago, that wouldn't have really been an option. 

    The most important thing is what you can SHOW you can do not a piece of paper, a mediocre artist with a degree will struggle a lot more than a  self taught basement artist with a top notch portfolio.  
  • ella
    it only really matters if you need to get a work visa. if there are studios in your country then most likely a degree is not needed. I am self taught and have been working in the industry for the last 11+ years, and it has never held me back, but then again I live in canada and there are lots of studios here. I think I can finally be eligible for a work visa to the USA due to my years of work experience but up until about a year ago, that wouldn't have really been an option. 

    The most important thing is what you can SHOW you can do not a piece of paper, a mediocre artist with a degree will struggle a lot more than a  self taught basement artist with a top notch portfolio.  
     animation is entirely new in my country and still only used for education purposes not entertainment. but i have seen a few studios starting now. I will just focus on learning and building a good portfolio and hopefully by then there will be more animation studios. Thank you for your response, very much appreciated. Congratulations of finally being eligible to get a work visa.  :):smile:
  • JordonBritz
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    JordonBritz polycounter lvl 7
    Portfolio is all that matters in my opinion. I'm a self taught environment artist with no degree, just started two months ago at an awesome studio. 

    Just work hard and it'll pay off :)
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    What have you done in the five years.? I ripped my ass off hat home after my day job to get where im now.
    Show us what you have so far and what you are willing todo to get better. There is no other way around than learning it by yourself.
    Its Art you have todo the work by your own.

  • ella
  • goekbenjamin
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    goekbenjamin polycounter lvl 6
    wow thats preeety much you want to master! I can only speak for myself, i am an aspiring character artist, and that alone is a huge chunk to learn.
    i think you maybe want to know what exactly you want to lesrn, pick 1 or 2 things, but i guess when you go with ALL of that you will never master any of these.

    Again, thats just my opinion and i have not really any expirience at all.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter
    Choose a specialty/discipline, really dig down into it for all you're worth because those that have already made it through the door, are doing exactly that on a day to day basis. 
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