Hi! IThis is my new material for Substance Painter. With it, you'll be able to generate a set of game ready textures in a few mins. It uses polypaint & other baked maps as input.
You can download it freely from here:
https://gum.co/P2M Video demo of the latest versionReadMe:[spoiler]
***Basic material parametrs***
Metal: affects on the specular map in non-PBR shader and on metalness in PBR shaders
Base color from polypaint & Base color: affects on the diffuse & base color maps. You can use polypaint color (ID) or custom color from input (if "Base color from polypaint is unchecked").
PBR-like specular & Specular level: if checked "PBR-like", the specular map will be calculated from the diffuse, glossiness and metalness maps with using of the law of energy conservation. If unchecked, you can set the specular level directly. Does nothing in PBR-mode!
Specular glossiness & Roughness instead of glossiness: sets the glossiness level, obviously. If checked "roughness instead of glossiness" you will operate with roughness parameter directly. ATTENTION: currently not recommended use the number 0.5 as glossiness/roughness level. In this case, you'll get just a plain color, without affection of AO & curvature maps.
Height: adding or substruction of the height. 0.5 level does nothing. In combination with masks affects on normal map channel.
Emissive from input & Emissive: affects the emissive color. If "emissive from input" is unchecked, the emissive color will be taken from plolypaint/ID channel.
Hue: this sub-section is just an inbuild HSL-filter. The only purpose of it's existence is separate settings for highlights/midtones/shadows.
- General hue: change general tint of the diffuse/base color maps.
- Highlights: colorizes highlights separately. Don't use too dark or saturated colors, unless you want a strange uncommon effect.
- Midtones: the same thing for midtones. The value should be near unsaturated grey color.
- Shadows: Use dark colors with low saturation for the option.
Saturation: the letter "S" for inbuild HSL-filter.
- General saturation: affects on the whole map. 0.5 value does nothing.
- Saturation of highlights & shadows: you can change the saturation of highlights/shadows only. The default value is 0.4, and it makes them little bit less saturated than the other map. It's ok for most of materials.
Value: changes the value of the diffuse/base color maps.
Map weights: this group of parameters sets the baked maps affection on the diffuse map. Basically, it applies to the diffuse map the gradient set in the Main->Hue section with backed maps as masks.
- Ambient Occlusion: adds more shadows on the diffuse map.
- Curvature: more shadows & highlights.
- Thickness / Invert thickness gradient / Thickness tint: use the group of parameters for fake subsurface scattering. Maybe quite useful for organic materials.
- Height / Height relief threshold: more shadows for deep places. Low values of threshold useful for defining of microdetails, if AO is not enough. Highly recommended to bake displacement map in any other soft and uncheck "Height from normal map" in "Technical parameters section".
Up-down Gradient / Invert Up-Down Gradient: darker down parts of the mesh. Or the upper ones, if checked "invert". Useful for fake dirt and such kind of effects. Or sometimes for stylized/classic metals. The same for "front-back" and "left-right" groups of parameters.
***Technical parameters***
OpenGL normals: sorry, can't find a way to do it automatically.
Alpha from custom file: if unchecked, the opacity channel of ID/polypaint input will be used.
Curvature from the normal map: sometimes the "true" curvature is too noisy, and this option gives a better result.
Height from normal map: unfortunately SP doesn't bake displacement map by default.
Correction curvature: affects on specular (non-PBR mode), roughness/glossiness and emissive maps.
Correction AO: the same thing for the ambient occlusion map. If you will use the textures in the soft like Marmoset Viewer, don't set the parameters too high, because Marmoset has the own option for the correction. Or just don't use them both, it will be an overkill.
P2M4WF is the version for creating textures for Warframe Tennogen skins with some additional parameters for the Evolution shader and more suitable default values. If you don't know what it is you don't need it)[/spoiler]
PBR, more simple menus, opacity&emisive support.
a mesh, textured in the new version:
sketchfab link