Greetings! I'm currently trying to import my trees and foliage in unreal and i have an issue and a question. Here it goes:
Even though i'm using a 2k texture for my branches, they look very pixelated. I even tried a 4k texture but nothing changed. The result is that, as you can see in second screenshot, the trees from some distance look very "fuzzy" if that makes sense.
I'm using the single grass wind node in my shader and i want the base of my foliage to stand still. Is there a way to use the alpha of my vertices instead of their color to achieve that? Did a search, but i only found the vertex paint way.
Thanks in advance for the help.
I was under the impression that vertex color and alpha is something different. In unity i had all my bottom vertices alpha set to 0 and top to 100. I didn't do any vertex color change.
Thanks again for the help!
Now time to find out how to change the saturation...
What troubles me is that i have a similar problem with the grass and it makes it look very bulky and "wrong" from some distance. You can see it on the edges of the clump i placed for testing. By the way, my monitor resolution is 4k, i don't know if that could create problems.
Another issue that i have is with reflection of my light, which looks like little sparkles. After some digging i found out that BOTH of the problems go away if i choose TemporalAA instead of FXAA or MSAA. Tried to google it, but most of the people usually have the opposite problem of that. (temporalAA gives bad results, while FXAA is better.)
Here a quick video and screen to show the problem.