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Horror Hall - portfolio

Hey guys, this is my first post here, i'm making this art for my portfolio, so don't take it easy on critiques.
The idea is as a corridor of a house, as in a movie you know if looking back will see something, the idea is not to have blood and only a light that of fear, or something of that kind ...
I did some renders to show some things...

1° render
in this render has a lot of deformation on the camera lens, the light is weak (25 strength)
2° render
in this i did less deformation on camera lens, and the light has 50 strength (double the 1° img)
So which ones did you think was better, and what should I improve?


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Hey there, welcome! The first image looks better, but you should definitely angle the camera up a bit. I'd honestly turn the light off in the room at the end of the hallway, it would make the door look way creepier. Either that or use a light which matches the colour of one of the other lights inside the hallway.

    The lighting isn't really making sense to me. The shadows being cast on the clock are pointing upwards, meaning there is a light below the clock. Unless there are stairs right behind the observer I feel this should be fixed. I'd increase the brightness of the colours in the texture, it'll make your floor more visable. If one of the props on your table was yellow, it would draw the eye in and create a point of interest. Otherwise, I'd either change the lighting to a yellow or change the walls to a dingy dull green. These colours should flow together a lot better and make the image more appealing. The wood colour you used for your texture of the side table stands out way too much, I'd suggest going a slightly darker, red wood.

    With all these critiques, you still did a great spooky job. Keep it up!
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