I have a normal map on a flattened psd document and when I choose convert to hard surface height, nDo starts processing, runs for a couple of seconds then stops and nothing has happened. I still have a normal map and there is no new document with a converted height map.
There is no indication in the document history that nDo has done anything. There is no "create nDo group" in the history
Version 2.3.2 running on PS cc current version.
64 bit Windows 10,
GeForce 1060,
32 GB 2400 RAM
also, when I created the normal map, it destroyed my current document instead of copying my work into a new document. Haven't used nDo for a while but I recall specifically that anytime I told it to do anything it would automagically create a new doc then go to work. Not such a big deal since it's a simple wall panel but is this a bug or a new way of doing things or am I misremembering the way it works?