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[3dsmax]- Copy uv settings to other bitmap nodes Slate material editor?

polycounter lvl 10
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melviso polycounter lvl 10
Is this possible? It gets tiresome entering uv settings for a bitmap in other required ones. In bLender, there is a uv mapping node that saves time on this issue. All uv mapping tweaking updates on all the required bitmaps. 3DSmax needs something like this.


  • Swordslayer
    Offline / Send Message
    Swordslayer interpolator
    Select the map nodes you want to have the same coordinates and run this script. After that, the mapping coordinates for those nodes will be instances so changing parameters of one will affect all the others:

    (<br>    local currentView = SME.getView (SME.activeView)<br>    local selectedNodes = currentView.getSelectedNodes()<br>    local master = trackViewNodes[#SME][SME.activeView]<br>    local coords = StandardUVGen mapChannel:1 U_Tiling:2 V_Tiling:2<br><br>     for i = 1 to master.numSubs where<br>        isKindOf (local ref = master[i].reference) TextureMap and \<br>        (local idx = findItem (getSubAnimNames ref) #Coordinates) > 0 do<br>        (<br>            refs.replaceReference ref idx coords<br>            notifyDependents ref<br>        )<br><br>    notifyDependents coords<br>)<br>

    As for some artist-friendly way to do that, I agree that a node would be much better - could you submit that request to the 3ds max ideas page?

  • Noren
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    Noren polycounter lvl 20
    In 2019 (and perhaps 2018) you can do that via an OSL UVW transform node (when using an OSL  bitmap node).
  • melviso
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    melviso polycounter lvl 10
    @Swordslayer Thanks a ton. What of if you want to make one or more of the instances unique at some point? would another script be needed? Thank u for the script. :- )
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