Concept design of a cyborg. Personal project. Modeled in Maya Textured in Metalness\Roughness pipeline with Substance Painter. Realtime render with Marmoset
Looking good! If I could offer any suggestions it would be to play with your big, medium to small ratio. A lot of the triangular shapes in the chest and top of the helmet areas are getting a little busy and it becomes unclear where the eye should look first. After that I might focus on the neck area, adding sternomastoid muscles with give your bot a way to turn its neck while giving you another area to contrast hard and soft shapes.
I think you're really close, your final renders are looking good. I would however suggest playing with a cool toned light source to contrast the color of the skull and some of the red details. Just a little more TLC and you got this
Wow! I LOVE this! Great job, I love everything about it. I sat here staring at it. You really hit the look and feel I would want to see from this. You are going places!! The style, the look, the angle of phtoto's, the font, the color. damn well done! You have inspired me!
I think you're really close, your final renders are looking good. I would however suggest playing with a cool toned light source to contrast the color of the skull and some of the red details. Just a little more TLC and you got this
You are going places!! The style, the look, the angle of phtoto's, the font, the color. damn well done!
You have inspired me!