I'm currently working on a couple of scenes that i want them to have strong reflections caused by wet surfaces and glowing lights in the night and dark places.
The final look that i'd like to achieve, regarding reflections and lights, would be something like these images:
*render made by Creative Shrimp:
http://https//www.creativeshrimp.com/ *render by Cornelius Dammrich:
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/JbgBR*render by Cornelius Dammrich:
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/RyJWI don't really care about photorealism for the props, what i really care about is achieving a scene with strong reflections that "overstimulate" the eyes of the viewer like the first image.
I know that with an offline render software is obviously possible but i'm wondering if it's possible to achieve a similar result in real time using UE4 or i'm only wasting time and i should set up a workflow for non real time rendering from the start.
From my experience i would say that maybe it would be possible to achieve a result like the third image but i don't think that it is possibile, with the current tech, to make a real time render like the first image.
I'd like to hear the opinion of more expert artist than me, thanks.
I'll take a look at them.
I can surelly say you can produce thoses reflections without a problem, and I'm not agree, don't use planbar reflections, not needed here
Although i can't use it because i don't have an RTX card and my PC is too old for an upgrade, i will try it out with my next build.