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Is there a way to close relatively big holes in Zbrush?

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MeowMoo node
Hi guys. I am modeling hair and making the tip very thin and flat. There's always small holes on both side whenever I Dynamesh it, and big holes when I Zremesh it.
I have tried the "Close holes" feature under "Modify Topology" and it doesn't really help (picture 1).

My question is,
Is there anyway to deal with these holes?

 I would be more than appreciated if anyone know how to fix this !!!!


  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    What are you intending to do with the hair? Is it just sculpting the hair for like a figure or is it for like game use? If something is that thin I would just use hair cards honestly. The most reliable ways I know of fixing such a problem though is either to make the area a little thicker to avoid the problem. You can also try the sculptris pro mode if you've got it and try to inflate those areas back to life. Or a combo of inflate and smooth working in tandem with dynamesh to close up the holes.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    Dynamesh does this when meshes are too thin, especially when they're so thin that one side of the model pushes into the other. It prefers to work with water-tight meshes, and so that's what it will try to create as well (meaning these holes aren't actual holes with open edges that can be closed - they're more like tunnels). 

    You can use zmodeler to delete the faces around these ares then attempt to manually bridge them and close them as needed, but it would be far easier to fix this before it gets dynameshed, or to consider if you even need to dynamesh hair to begin with. 
  • MeowMoo
    Offline / Send Message
    MeowMoo node
    Thank you guys! That's really helpful responses. I am gonna sum it up for me and also for people who happen to see this post in the future.

    1. Make the area thicker.
    2. Use sculptris pro mode and inflate.
    3. Zremesh, and manually deleting the faces around it, and bridge them back together
       (but it's faster to thicken it out before Dyanameshing)
    4. Use move tool and move the "holes" overlapping each other and Dynamesh
        (my friend show me this trick and it works for some area)
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