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[WIP] Realistic treasure chest

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litatomi polygon

I´m working on a small realistic diorama. I´m about done with the first asset, this chest. This is just a quick SP render, still working on the texturing.

Any thoughts? 



  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    It looks really cool, to say the least. Love it. It looks like you've got a cool unique art style going on. Kind of reminds me of the God of War chests. Only critique I have would be to mess up the metal edge highlights, because right now I feel as though I can recognize the metal edge mask. That's just personal opinion though, the chest looks super cool anyways. It somewhat feels like this was rendered with perspective turned off, but I'm not sure if you can do that in SP, so maybe my eyes are playing a trick on me?
  • litatomi
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    litatomi polygon
    Thanks for the kind words and the feedback🙂 Oh yeah it was totally inspired by the god of war art. I liked the texture on their chest piece a lot. I agree with you about the edges, they don’t look very natural, they are kind of everywhere, I’ll fix that. 
    I usually work in orthographic view, that must be what messed the render up 
  • MrJar0
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    MrJar0 polycounter lvl 2
    The chest looks great.
    The metal edge wear feels a bit too strong. The metal is a bit too clean and shiny. Your wood looks old and weathered, yet there is no rust and dirt on the metal.
    The keyhole looks a bit too big. Either the key is huge or the chest is small.
    The insets where the bolts in the metal are, could use some dirt too. Tight, hard to reach places gather dust/dirt very well.
    It is a bit hard to tell whether the podium part is connected to the chest or whether the chest is standing on it. If the whole thing is connected, that would make the chest somewhat impractical.
    You could probably remove some of the bolts and maybe scale some of them down. Right now they are a bit hard on the eyes.

    Other than that it looks great. Keep up the good work
  • litatomi
    Offline / Send Message
    litatomi polygon
    great feedback, thanks! Yes the keyhole should be smaller indeed. I’ll will probably make the bottom part a bit smaller too. 
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