Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

The Laboratory

Hi everyone, 
here is my last indoor environmental artwork. I'm planing to use it to my effects class. 

Any comments or Feedbacks ??

I used Maya, unfold 3D, Substance Painter and Arnold.


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Hey! I've got some critiques for ya.

    1) The proportions seem way off. The size of the chair makes all the rest of the scene look super tiny.
    2) You went a bit too overboard with repeating the bloody hand prints. If there was that much blood on the person's hand, there would be more of a mess elsewhere. There should be a little blood on the floor I feel.
    3) I'd get rid of the mad scientist sign. It breaks the feeling that an actual mad scientist works here.
    4) The room kind of feels like a big box which you've put your props into. Maybe look into how to make an image more appealing through composition. I'd add some height difference to the room to break it up. If you had one of the doors slightly open and revealing a hallway it would also improve the interest of it all. I'm trying to figure out the story behind the scene and all I can tell is it is a lab and somebody bled and there is a scientist goofy enough to label themselves as a mad scientist.

    I think you did quite well on modeling a lot of the props! Your texturing could be pushed a little further, and maybe pay a bit more attention to roughness values.
  • Qarat90
    Offline / Send Message
    thanks for your critiques 

    All these things wasn't in front of my eyes
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